
The Tuesday Two © – April 11 2023

  1. Insight – Consider insight as a kaleidoscope.  The capacity to observe and make interpretations about your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.  Like a kaleidoscope, they will shift and change bringing new patterns of bright colours and shapes.  Merriam Websters dictionary defines insight as “understanding or awareness of one’s mental or emotional state or condition”.  Here is an interesting article; What Is Insight? Psychology, Definition, And Practical Examples Click Here.  It is a look at the difference between insight and knowledge.  I believe that insight is tied to our five senses, and therefore our intuition as well. Close your eyes for a few moments and visualize a kaleidoscope’s shifting patterns and colours.  Think about your own patterns, which ones serve you well, and which ones could use a little shake up?
  2. Release – As I am working to free up space in my home I keep stumbling into the “but it’s special”.  I come by my need to keep things honestly, as both my parents tend to keep everything!  I was sharing the concept with my mom about greeting cards (she had decided to deal with a pile as high as an upright piano and dating back over 20 years) You read it, hug it and then release it to the recycling pile. This week, I am dealing with my paper piles.  I understand the concept of handling it once, but I suck at that.  My kinesthetic learning style likes something I can touch, but my ADD tendencies can’t deal with it immediately.  So, as the learning continues, do you have any strategies you could share with me? I am going to start with the suggestions in this article.