Each Tuesday I will deliver two things that are relevant to wellness.
Happy Tuesday Two. 😊 I don’t know where the time has gone since I brought my Dad home from the hospital. Not only did life seem to stand still for a week as we waited at the hospital, but then it suddenly rushed in and overwhelmed me. I have felt a little like I am drowning in detail and missed deadlines and appointments. However, I decided to change my focus. I need todays two items for today to help me with that.
1. Breaks – Taking a break actually increase our efficiency and productivity and reduces stress. Just like sleep cycles we have work cycles where our energy and activity levels rise, peak and then drop. In “The 20-Minute Break” it suggests that the normal cycle is two hours. Then our body actually goes into a state of physiological rest for about 20 minutes. Every two hours you should take a health break. I know for myself it goes from about 1.5 hours all the way up to three hours, but know your own rhythm and listening to it is important. There are different ways to take a break but here a few suggestions.
2. Vacation – Exploring new places is something that always energizes me. So does planning my next vacation. It can be a weekend get away or a winter escape to my favourite place in Mexico. The concept to put into practice is to plan a vacation before you actually need one. If you wait until you are depleted your vacation turns into convalescence. Vacations are good for your body and your soul.
If you are choosing to stay home plan fun day trips or turn your backyard into a retreat. If you are heading out on a driving trip, look for fun things to do along the way. Plan a fun music play list, and pick out some great books to listen to.
If you are heading away do some research ahead of time, but make sure you leave space for spontaneous activities and things that pop up. What vacation are you planning this summer? Email me I would love to hear about it, and see your photos when you get back. I’m planning a quick trip to Vancouver for the fireworks festival in July 😊