
The Tuesday Two © – May 2 2023

  1. My Story – “Within our stories is the mental health care we all need” Canadian Mental Health Association.  This week marks the 72nd annual mental health week in Canada.  This year the theme is #mystory.  The intent is to shift beliefs and perceptions about mental health.  If you are interested in hearing my story, send me a message and I will send you the link to watch me tell my story. When we are brave enough to tell our own stories it can free up other people to feel safe enough to tell theirs.  I’d love to hear from your #mystory.
  2. Compassion – If you are like me, it is often easier to show love and compassion to others when they are struggling.  However, if rather than shaming ourselves when we are less than our best, we were to show ourselves love and compassion, our brain would learn more and we would build better well-being habits quicker. What is one loving action you can take towards yourself today in service of your wellbeing?