
The Tuesday Two © – October 17 2023

1.Music – I am not sure why, but I haven’t been playing music at home lately, and it wasn’t until

Oct 18 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – October 10 2023

1. Celebrate World Mental Health Day – Today marks the day that we celebrate mental health on an international scale.

Oct 09 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – October 3 2023

Each Tuesday I will deliver things that are relevant to wellness. 1. Connection – Michelle Cederberg in her book “The

Oct 03 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – September 26, 2023

1. Self-talk - Your body hears everything you say whether it is out loud, your conscious thoughts or your unconscious

Sep 26 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – September 19, 2023

Special savings for Tuesday Two followers on the Women in Leadership Retreat held in Canmore, AB, November 3 - 5

Sep 19 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – September 12, 2023

Walking – “Movement is Magic” says Shane O’Mara.  In his book “In Praise of Walking” he contends that social walking

Sep 12 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – September 5 2023

1. Integration – I am preparing a workshop on Work Life Balance Integration.  The concept that work and life can

Sep 05 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – August 29 2023

Each Tuesday I will deliver things that are relevant to wellness. 1. Brain Wellness – Mel Robbins recently interviewed Dr.

Aug 29 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – August 15 2023

Hormones – Even if you are young or a man, listen to this podcast from Mel on  How to Hack

Aug 15 2023 Learn more