
The Tuesday Two © – June 6 2023

Dream – Dream big, dream small, but dream.  What is something you are dreaming about doing? I am dreaming of

Jun 06 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – May 23 2023

Authenticity – When we live authentically, we strive to align our actions with our core values and beliefs with the

May 23 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – May 16 2023

1 - Beauty – It is said that true beauty blooms from the heart. To a certain extent I believe

May 16 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two ©- May 9 2023

 Nurture – One of the definitions for nurture is “to further develop”.  This is something we all need from time

May 09 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – May 2 2023

My Story – “Within our stories is the mental health care we all need” Canadian Mental Health Association.  This week

May 02 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – April 25 2023

Celebrate – Tomorrow is Administrative Professional Day – Yes Professionals!  They are highly skilled individuals who handle everything from the

Apr 25 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – April 18, 2023

Take Control – I have talked about Mel Robbins and her work a number of times.  I wanted to make

Apr 18 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – April 11 2023

Insight – Consider insight as a kaleidoscope.  The capacity to observe and make interpretations about your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. 

Apr 11 2023 Learn more

The Tuesday Two © – April 4 2023

Cooperation – Have you ever watched ants at work?  Together they devour a forest or move large objects because they

Apr 04 2023 Learn more